Welcome to the huVVer-AVI GaugeWidgets download page.
The GaugeWidgets library is designed to be used by the huVVer-AVI multifunction display. The huVVer-AVI is a standard 2″ or 3″ sunlight readable aircraft instrument with application specific interfaces and a robust 8-32 Volt power supply, suitable for use in experimental aircraft.
NOTICE: As of September 1, 2023, the GaugeWidgets library has been restructured to provide native support for the Bodmer TFT_eSPI library. M5Stack support has been deprecated.
The FlightGauges example provided in the GaugeWidgets library is a complete set of flight and engine gauges, designed to work with a Dynon SkyView or Garmin G3X or G5 EFIS system. Dynon D10A/D100 and OnSpeed IMU systems are also supported, with limited functionality. Normally, a serial connection is used to provide flight data and engine data to the huVVer-AVI, but Dynon SkyView WiFi UDP wireless data transmission is also fully supported.
Version 8.00: Support for TFT_eSPI Libary and Deprecation of M5Stack support.
Note: source code is no longer available for downloading. Instead, use the OTA update version. Developers should contact huVVer.tech for source code access.
Simple Upgrades:
All huVVer-AVI devices come pre-installed with software. If your software is out of date and you want to upgrade, all you need to do is install a current .bin file using Over-The_Air (OTA) downloads. Download the file below, unzip and use it for the OTA update. This procedure will work on all devices that support WiFi connections, such as smartphones, tablets and PCs.
Full Installation (Developers Only)
The GaugeWidgets software for the huVVer family is written in C/C++ on the Arduino development platform. It is assumed that any developer who wishes to modify source code is familiar with the installation of the Arduino environment, libraries, programming, and debugging. Details are at https://www.arduino.cc/
The source code is supplied by email upon request for qualified developers.
To install the GaugeWidgets library from a source code ZIP file: Save the file on your computer, then open the Arduino main program menu SKETCH: INCLUDE LIBRARY, select ADD.ZIP Library, then navigate on your computer to select the saved ZIP file.
In addition, the following libraries are required. Click on the links below, and then click on the green box labeled ‘Code’ and select Download ZIP. Install as described above.
- ESPAsyncWebServer.h https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer
- ESP32SJA1000.h https://github.com/sandeepmistry/arduino-CAN
From the Arduino TOOLS: INCLUDE LIBRARY: MANAGE LIBRARIES, search for and install the following:
- TFT_eSPI.h
- Note: Copy the TFT_eSPI_Setups folder provided in the GaugeWidgets library to the Arduino\libraries folder. This folder contains all of the initialization for using the TFT_eSPI library with the huVVer-AVI display.
- AsyncTCP.h
- AsyncElegantOTA.h
- SavLayFilter.h
Set the Additional Boards Manager URLs under the Arduino main menu FILE: PREFERENCES to “https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json, http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json”. Note: this is not a clickable link. Copy and paste this text inside the quotation marks into the Arduino Preferences field.
Restart the Arduino IDE.
Set the TOOLS: BOARD to “ESP32 Dev Module”, then under TOOLS: PARTITION SCHEME select a partition that enables OTA, and turn off PSRAM.
Once configured, run the Examples\FlightInstruments.ino sketch.
Device Installation Diagram
Here is a basic installation diagram of the huVVer-AVI device, with a cross reference to the ESP-32 microprocessor signals. Power can be connected to a nominal 12V or 24V electrical system and is surge protected to +/- 100 Volts.
QuickStart Guides
The QuickStart Guide and Instrument Reference will provide you with more information on hardware and software installation.
Older (unsupported) versions of the software and documentation. Click here.